Case Studies

Wheel Clean Truck

AproMud™ Washing & Cleaning Operations

Solidification of sludge for washing and cleaning operations WHEEL Clean & Wash Mobile Station Installations Background The sustained displacements of toxic and non-toxic mud and

Sludge Excavation Case Study

Sludge Evacuation

Challenge This construction site faced a large amount of mud caused by directional drilling operations. It would have been impossible to collect the sludge. The

Lagoon Clearing Case Study

Lagoon Clearing

Challenge The cleaning of the lagoon was performed to determine the source of volatile organic compounds (VOC) previously tested in a wastewater lagoon, with samples

Sludge Dewatering Case Study

Bituminous Sludge Dewatering

The thesis by Aida Farkish (2013) from the University of Ottawa, Canada, examined the problematic matter of SAP-based fast dewatering process of oil sand residues.

Lake Wire Dredging Case Study

Lake Wire Dredging

Challenge A source removal corrective action was needed at Lake Wire in Polk County, Florida, in the United States.  Rainwater discharges led to increased metals

Agriculture Case Study Photo

Agriculture Optimization

The AproSoil™ series is dedicated to the optimization of agriculture.  The implementation of superabsorbent products increases the water retention capacity of the soil. It promotes

Dust Control Horse Arena Case Study

Dust Control In Horse Arenas

There remains an ongoing problem concerning watering horse arenas. Watering horse arenas is necessary to ensure the mechanical quality of the soils and maintain the