Unearth the Future Trenchless Tech at NASTT No-Dig 2023 in Portland

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No Dig Show 2023

Turn Your Liquid Waste into a Solid: Aprotek USA at NASTT No-Dig Show 2023

Liquid waste is a significant challenge for many industries, but Aprotek USA has the solution. Our innovative technology turns liquid waste streams into a solid form, reducing waste, logistics, disposal costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. And where better to learn about this game-changing technology than at the NASTT No-Dig Show 2023?

Visit Aprotek USA at Booth #230!

As the largest trenchless technology conference in North America, NASTT No-Dig Show 2023 is the premier event for professionals looking to learn about new methods and techniques to save money and improve infrastructure. Our team will be located at booth #230 in the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, where we’ll be sharing our expertise and demonstrating our liquid waste solutions.

See You at NASTT No-Dig Show 2023!

Join us from April 30 to May 4, 2023, to learn about our innovative technology and network with industry peers. Our team will be available to answer your questions and show you how our solution can optimize your waste stream management.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to discover a better way to handle liquid waste. Visit our NASTT page for more information, and we’ll see you at the conference!

Aprotek USA: Booth #230

Location: Oregon Convention Center – Portland, Oregon

Date: April 30-May 4, 2023

Conference website: nodigshow.com