
Colmatek Graphic

against lagoons, pits and retention ponds leaching


Providing effective water barriers is essential to guaranty safe storage of storm water in retention ponds or lagoons. It is common to use clogging materials, like clays, when building water retention areas. Despite good design and construction, leaks can develop over time. COLMATEK™ will plug any leaks small or large ones due to natural cracks or a simple design flaw of the construction.

COLMATEK™ is composed of organic polymers with high swelling and elasticity performances. The product is designed specifically for water retention applications. On contact with water, COLMATEK™ starts to swell and forms sticky plates, which are sinking at the bottom of the pond or lagoon.

Leaks in retention man-made structures or in natural rock fractures do always create a water suction. COLMATEK™ is attracted by the resulting water suction and will fill and plug the leak thanks to its extreme swelling properties. In a few minutes the leak will not exist anymore. Sediments and other organic debris will line the surface, thus completing the clogging action.


A 10kg bucket of COLMATEK™ would be applied for approximately 300m2 of water surface. The powder is spread on the surface by hand or with a mechanical spreader. It is important to handle suspected areas as a priority, as well as dyke, toe of a dyke, and the side of the dam. Spreading is done by hand, at an optimal mix of 80g/m2.


COLMATEK™ must be stored in a dry place under shelter at a temperature between 5 and 30°C. tThe shelf life of unopened bags is 5 years.

Our products are packaged in 10kg buckets. Other packaging is available upon request.

Lagoon Image


COLMATEK™ should be applied in calm weather, when there is no wind, to ensure the product is applied properly and hit the specific location where the leak has been detected.

COLMATEK™ is non-toxic to humans and the environment, however, it is not recommended to ingest the product.


COLMATEK™ spread on wet floor or grounds becomes extremely slippery. It is possible to deactivate its slippery effect by applying road salt.

Please refer to the TDS and MSDS for more information.