
for the delight of your animals

What Is It?

APROLIT™ is a superabsorbent product that can replace animal bedding.

APROLIT™ pellets rapidly solidify large quantities of liquids.

APROLIT™ is composed of cellulose fibers and superabsorbent polymer.

The cellulose fibers will help to achieve a rapid decomposition of the polymer by forming a completely biodegradable mass.


APROLIT™ promotes a safe environment for both farm workers and animals.

APROLIT™ is non-toxic to animals. By reducing ammonia emissions and bacterial growth, APROLIT™ promotes a healthier ambient environment.

APROLIT™ completely biodegrades within few months (thermal and bacterial actions during composting will accelerate the degradation process).



Example for horses, Only 1 kg of APROLIT TM solidifies approximately 25 L of liquid.

Deposit APROLIT™ in the stall in the same manner as classic bedding: 1 to 2 kg is enough. Add with the increasing need of your horse.


APROLIT™ must be stored in a dry place. The shelf life of unopened bags is 2 years.

Our products are packaged in 18 kg bags. 1000 kg big bags are available on request.

Please refer to the TDS and MSDS of the product for more information.


Eliminates ammonia odour

1 bag of 18 kg aborbs up to 500 L of liquid

Reduces dust typically associated with classic bedding materials

Promotes a healthy habitat for animals and farm workers

Does absorb 20% more than conventional bedding materials

Allows more room space gain to animals when stored in the van or stall

Reduces overall handling and weight of the bedding, minimizing that way any potential risk to hurt your back